The Holy Brook School

The Holy Brook Curriculum

The Holy Brook School (HBS) curriculum prioritises the key knowledge, skills
and understanding we believe are essential for our pupils to have secured by
the time they leave their school. Covering pre-key stage standard 1 and
progressing to the end of year 6 national curriculum expectations, the HBS
curriculum focusses on the key learning outcomes we consider most
relevant to our pupils. The HBS curriculum starting point is the assessed level of each
individual pupil when they are admitted to HBS. What skills and knowledge do they have?
What do they already know about themselves? What do they know about their world and
their environment? What connections can they make?

The HBS curriculum end point is the knowledge, skills and understanding we want each
pupil to have thoroughly secured by the time they leave HBS. When a pupil leaves HBS they
will know, understand and be able to explain our mission statement, aims and values and
they will be cognitively and emotionally ready for the next stage in their education,
wherever that maybe.

Our child centered curriculum is designed to assess and then build on what a pupil already
knows through well sequenced and carefully modelled small steps. Pupils are encouraged to
make connections and see patterns. They are provided with a range of practical
opportunities to develop understanding, practice and rehearse skills, respond to questions
and, importantly, learn through making mistakes. Pupil progression is built on secure
knowledge; the next small step in learning will not be introduced until it is clear that
knowledge and understanding has been firmly embedded. 

145 Ashampstead Road, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3LJ

0118 937 5489